August, 1189

Acre, Israel

Guy de Lusignan, the biggest playboy in the Holy Land, is playing soldier again.

A lover, not a fighter, Guy is known around here as arm candy for wealthy and titled women, not for his fighting skills.

He was able to marry into the title “King of Jerusalem” and with it, he got an army, which he employed to go on adventures.

His last adventure was getting himself captured by Saladin. His latest is attacking the Muslims again, even though he promised not to.

Oh, Guy, you’re incorrigible!


But seriously…


May 27, 2024

The great Muslim conqueror Saladin captured Guy de Lusignan at the battle of Hattan in 1187, and held him for a year.

As a condition of his release, Guy promised to never fight against Saladin again.

However, for all his posturing about honor, Guy broke his word, and attacked Saladin’s garrison in Acre, provoking Saladin to battle, and setting off the Third Crusade.

There were rumors that Saladin released him from his promise not to fight because he was such a bad general.


The Era of the Crusades, Kenneth W. Harl